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Classic Case of 2 x 1 Quart Technol Biodiesel Anti-Gel B100 Cold Flow Treatment Winterization Fuel Additive

Classic Case of 2 x 1 Quart Technol Biodiesel Anti-Gel B100 Cold Flow Treatment Winterization Fuel Additive

Regular price $34.99 USD
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Biodiesel B-100 Cold Flow Improver Special Anti-Gel Formula for 100% Biodiesel (B-100) This anti-gel product was specially formulated for use with reducing the gel point of B100 (100% biodiesel). Large, cogesive, fatty, solid particles that stop fuel flow are not allowed to form, keeping the fuel free-flowing to avoid damage to fuel pumps and enable the cold flow of biodiesel. Using this anti-gel agent eliminates the need to use diesel fuel or kerosene blending in the winter time. This formula is recommended and safe for diesel vehicles and home heating applications. Registered with EPA for on-road use Reduces Biodiesel gel point by about 30°F Economical and highly concentrated, 1:750 Mixing Ratio Treat your Biodiesel for less than 10 cents per gallon!

Note: Using more or less than the 1:750 ratio has adverse effects on the gel point. Use exactly 1:750 ratio to achieve best results. This formula will not eliminate the plugging restriction on fuel filters. Only heat can solve this issue. Vehicles with a heated fuel filter, filters on top of the engine, or a circulation loop from filter to engine and back to the filter generally will not have any problems after initial start-up.
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